Continuing a Tradition of Civics Excellence

By Mike Sabo With new institutes emerging at colleges and universities in Florida, Ohio, Utah, Tennessee, North Carolina, Texas, and elsewhere, civics education may be seeing a rebirth. “We need these civics centers at every institution of higher education in America,” says political theory professor Richard Avramenko. Avramenko, a Jack Miller Center faculty fellow, will […]

Give Me an Engaged Electorate

By John A. Ragosta On March 23rd in 1775, Patrick Henry rose at St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia, to urge his countrymen to arm themselves for the Revolutionary War. Four weeks before the battle of Lexington and Concord, Henry saw the future: “The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our […]

How Lincoln’s Assassination Changed American History

By Brian Matthew Jordan One hundred and fifty-nine years ago this Sunday, a 26-year-old white supremacist and Confederate sympathizer named John Wilkes Booth pointed a .44 caliber derringer pistol at the back of Abraham Lincoln’s head and squeezed the trigger. The 56-year-old president clung to life for nine agonizing hours, expiring the next morning in […]

Igniting an Appreciation for Abraham Lincoln in Children

By Jonathan W. White Historians and the general public regularly rank Abraham Lincoln as America’s greatest president. There is little doubt that he is widely admired for the work he did to end slavery and preserve the Union. But beyond these two important points, most Americans know little else about Lincoln’s life. A 2013 poll […]

This Bill of Rights Day, Let’s Celebrate the Preamble

By Hans Zeiger December 15th marks Bill of Rights Day, which commemorates the 232nd anniversary when the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were ratified. December 15th should be a day all Americans reflect on the unique blessings the Bill of Rights safeguards – the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and […]

Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

COMMENTARY By Paul Carrese This Thanksgiving, we should set aside time not only for prayer as a grateful nation, a practice George Washington established in 1789 and Abraham Lincoln renewed during the Civil War, but to discuss the blessing it is that great leaders throughout our nation’s history have called Americans to uphold both religious […]

Let’s Give Thanks for America

By Jack MillerNovember 23, 2023 The first Thanksgivings in America were about celebrating survival. Spanish and French explorers set aside days to give thanks to the Almighty for protecting them in a strange and hostile land. The Pilgrims held their famous Thanksgiving feast of 1623 to praise God for their bountiful harvest. From there, George […]

The Jewish Experience in the American Revolution

By Andrew PorwancherOctober 14, 2023 When the guns of Yorktown fell silent in 1781 and America cemented its secession from the British Empire, many questions confronted the young republic. Strikingly prominent among them was the civil status of American Jews. Should Jews be eligible to vote? To hold elected office? To practice law? The Jewish […]

The ‘Turbulence’ in the House

By Fred BeuttlerOctober 13, 2023 For the first time in American history, a Speaker of the House has been removed from office. Just days prior to that historic event, a government shutdown was temporarily averted by the passage of a bipartisan continuing resolution that funds the federal government through November 17. All but one Democrat […]

Leading the Charge on Civic Education

By Thomas KellySeptember 06, 2023 The need for stronger civics instruction has never been clearer. As recently released test scores revealed, American students simply do not possess the civics knowledge they need to become thoughtful and engaged citizens. Knowledge of basic facts is important; knowledge of our nation’s story and founding ideals—which gives meaning to […]