Patriot Papers
This page contains scholarly articles by the Patriot Week Foundation and its members addressing various themes of Patriot Week. Dig deeper with these Patriot Papers:
"The why" requirement - Ensuring the Rule of Law through Michigan's constitutional requirement that the Michigan Supreme Court explain its decisions.
MASAL Sept 2020
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The Life and Story of a True American Patriot and Founding Father: John Hancock
John Hancock was born January 23rd, 1737, in Braintree (now Quincy) Massachusetts.2 When he was still young, Hancock’s father had died and he went to live with his aunt and uncle in Boston who ran a very successful import and export business, making them one of the wealthiest families in Boston
Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments
Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments
James Madison’s Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments led to the disestablishment of the church in Virginia and paved the way for the adoption of the Virginia Statute for Religious Liberty (which Jefferson advocated for and Madison’s drafted). This was so important to Jefferson that it was one of three items he had carved into his gravestone (the others were authoring the Declaration of Independence and founding the University of Virginia). This principle took constitutional hold in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was also primarily authored by Madison. This was a monumental pivot point in world history, with America became the first nation to constitutionally protect the free exercise of religion and disestablish the church.
RESET Program
As part of its novel efforts to renew the Spirit of America, the Patriot Week Foundation is pleased to announce the development of the Reset Probation Pilot Program at Oakland County Michigan Circuit Court. The Reset program is based on academic research developed by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, and was specifically tailored to the probation context by Judge Michael Warren. Deeply grounded in America’s First Principles which animate Patriot Week, it assist probationers by having them (1) envision their best, ideal futures; (2) envision their worst, catastrophic futures; and (3) developing concrete plans to improve their lives everyday to avoid the worst futures and move forward toward the best futures. The program also involves the probationers examining their values and the need to better fulfill those values. America’s First Principles are highlighted in the program. Judge Victoria Valentine has produced a similar pilot for juvenile offenders. Oakland University will be studying the efficacy of the pilot program. Several other judges have committed to the pilot program. Dr. Peterson’s original work can be found at
You and the Law
A guide for high school juniors and seniors, as well as the general public, the publication reviews the Declaration of Independence, the Constitutions of the United States and Michigan, as well as vital civil and criminal laws of the State of Michigan. Although Michigan specific, much of it applies across the nation.