Fighting For Freedom – God Bless Our Veterans!

Today we honor those brave men and women who throughout the ages have defended our liberty in the armed services. Originally today was called “Armistice Day” – in commemoration of the end of hostilities during The Great War (i.e., World War I). In 1918, at 11:00 on 11/11, the great powers ended the fighting pending […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey and stuffing. Detroit Lions Football. Turkey Trots. Parades and the arrival of Santa. Followed by frenzied shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Maybe a bit of charity on Giving Tuesday. The ultimate American holiday. What more could you need? Gratitude. Blessings. Humility. Although historical debate surrounds the origins of Thanksgiving in colonial America, […]

San Francisco School District Is Wrong to Cancel Lincoln

A school district in San Francisco has cancelled Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln High School is going to be renamed. Why? “Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties or wealth building,” Jeremiah Jefferies, […]

Censorship In Cyberspace VS. We The People

Freedom of expression is an invaluable principle enshrined in our Constitution; it undeniably fortifies every other unalienable right and allows our nation to adapt and evolve. The ability to express ourselves is crucial in building on our nation’s foundation and cultivating change that creates a wealth of opportunities for her people. The freedoms of our […]

Top 10 Reasons the Constitution is Revolutionary

The United States Constitution is not some musty piece of parchment, in barely legible calligraphy, irrelevant to our lives. To the contrary, it is a revolutionary document of profound historical and current significance. If you don’t believe that, here are the “Top Ten” reasons you should change your mind: 1. A Written Constitution. The Constitution […]

Fortifying the American Mind: The Fund for American Studies

“We take seriously the idea that a republic cannot long survive without a virtuous citizenry,” says Brenda Hafera of The Fund for American Studies. TFAS’s mission is to “win over each new generation to the ideas of liberty, limited government, and free markets” by offering educational programs for students and young journalists around the world. […]