Partnerships Participants

Patriot Week has developed key relationships and participants with many elected officials, schools, institutions of higher learning, businesses, law firms, media, and nonprofit organizations. Past partnerships and participants include, but are not limited to, the following:


★    Congressman (ret.) Hansen Clark

★    Congressman (ret.) Kerry Bentivolio

★    Michigan Lt. Governor Brian Calley

★    Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson

★    Michigan Supreme Court Justice David Viviano

★    Michigan State Senator Vincent Gregory

★    Michigan State Senator Mike Kowall

★    Michigan State Senator (ret.) John Pappageorge

★    Michigan State Representative (ret.) Gail Haines

★    Oakland County Michigan Executive L. Brooks Patterson

★    Oakland County Circuit Court

★    Wayne County Michigan Executive Robert Ficano

★    Macomb County Commission Chairman Kathy Vosburg

★    Oakland County Treasurer Andrew Meisner

★    48th District Court Michigan

★    Pontiac District Court Judge Cynthia Walker

★    Pontiac District Court Judge Mike Martinez

★    Kent County Circuit Court Judge (ret.) Jim Redford

★    Macomb County Circuit Court (ret.) Tony Viviano

★    Oakland County Commissioner (ret.) Tim Burns

★    Mayor Mark Warba, Big Rapids Michigan

★    Township Treasurer, Charter Township of Orion

★    Detroit Parks and Recreation Department

★    West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Department


★    Boy Scouts of America, Black Swamp Area Council 449 (Lima Ohio)

★    Civil Air Patrol, Oakland County Michigan Contingent


★    AARP – Downriver Chapter

★    Birmingham Area Senior Center

★    Bloomfield Senior Center

★    Community House Seniors Womens Club

★    Seniors Men’s Club of Birmingham


★    Auburn Hills Public Library, Michigan

★    Baldwin Public Library, Michigan

★    Big Rapids Community Library, Michigan

★    Birmingham Public Library, Michigan

★    Brighton Public Library, Michigan

★    Center Line Public Library, Michigan

★    Chesterfield Public Library, Michigan

★    Clarkston Public Library, Michigan

★    Clawson Public Library, Michigan

★    Clinton-Macomb Library, Michigan

★    Farmington Library, Michigan

★    Ferndale Public Library, Michigan

★    Highland Township Library, Michigan

★    Macomb County Public Libraries, Michigan

★    Madison Heights Library, Michigan

★    Northport-East Northport Public Library, New York (two branches)

★    Novi Public Library, Michigan

★    Rochester Hills Public Library, Michigan

★    Roseville Pubic Library, Michigan

★    Salem-South Lyon Library, Michigan

★    Troy Public Library, Michigan

★    Waterford Public Library, Michigan

★    White Lake Library, Michigan

★    Ypsilanti Library, Michigan


★    ACCESS/National Network for Arab American Communities

★    American Human Rights Council (AHRC)

★    Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee

★    Carls Family YMCA

★    Cedar Lodge Number 60 of the Free and Accepted Masons (Clarkston MI)

★    Desert Angels

★    Elks – John Day Lodge #1824 (Canyon City Oregon)

★    Faith Lutheran Church

★    Grace Centers of Hope

★    Highland Equestrian Conservancy

★    Kiwanis of Bloomfield

★    Kiwanis of Pontiac

★    Kiwanis of Troy

★    Macomb County Republican Women’s Club

★    Oakland County Young Republicans

★    Rotary of Birmingham

★    Rotary of Bloomfield

★    Rotary of Clawson

★    Rotary of Milford

★    Rotary of West Bloomfield

★    St. Owen Church

★    The Community House

★    The Friends of Joshua’s Trail

★    Xemplar Club


★    General Israel B. Richardson Camp #2, Oakland County Michigan Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War

★    Historic Fort Wayne Coalition

★    Michigan Remembers 9-11 Fund

★    National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Sashabaw Plains Chapter


★    Absolute Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

★    American House Senior Living Communities

★    Backyard Bouquet Farm

★    Comcast

★    Delphi Corporation

★    Gold’s Gym of East Northport

★    Hensley Mfg., Inc, (Davison MI – Kelly Estrada)

★    Hoffman Farms

★    Huntington Bank

★    Resurrection Cemetery

★    St. John’s Macomb Hospital

★    Talmer Bank

★    The Ambassador Bridge Company

★    Woodsmen of the World


★    Critical Mass

★    News Talk Radio WJR 760 AM

★    Oakland Press

★    Practical Law

★    The Detroit News


★    Arab American National Museum

★    Detroit Tigers Baseball Club

★    Detroit Symphony Orchestra

★    Michael Krieger Celebration Songs

★    West Coast Wednesday Dance by Dance Fanatics

★    Allen Peisner, Bugler – Bugler’s Across America


★    American Ideological Society

★    Damon Keith Center at Wayne State Law School

★    National Endowment for the Useful Arts (NEUA)

★    National Heritage Center for Constitutional Studies


★    American Board of Trial Advocates (MI Chapter)

★    Bashore Green Law Group

★    Black Women Lawyer’s Bar Association

★    Brooks Kushman PC

★    Butzel Long PC

★    Cummings McClorey Davis & Acho, PLC

★    Dalton & Tomich PLC

★    Dykema Gossett PLC

★    Fieger and Fieger

★    Foley & Mansfield

★    Fried Saperstein Abbatt PC

★    Gary Krochmal, PLLC

★    Giarmarco Mullins & Horton

★    Hohauser Kuchon

★    Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP

★    Howard and Howard

★    Jaffee Raitt Heuer & Weiss PC

★    Jewish Bar Association of Michigan

★    Joelson Rosenberg PLC

★    Kinebaum Opperwall Hardy & Pelton, PLC

★    Krolikowski & Fryer PLLC

★    L.C. Begin & Associates

★    Lipson Neilson Cole Seltzer & Garin PC

★    Lori J. Frank PC

★    Law Offices of Mariell R. McLatcher PLLC

★    Law Offices of Robert E. Kostin, P.C.

★    Maddin Hauser Wartell Roght & Heller PC

★    Macomb County Bar Foundation

★    McGinnis Legal

★    McGraw Morris PC

★    Michigan Lawyers Chapter of Federalist Society

★    Miller Canfield

★    Morganroth and Morganroth, PLLC

★    Paul Reasoner & Associates

★    Polish American Legal Society

★    Oakland County Bar Association

★    Plunkett & Cooney

★    Schnelz & Schnelz

★    Secrest, Wardle, Lynch, Hampton, Truex & Morley

★    Seyburn Kahn Ginn Bess & Serlin PC

★    Seyforth Bush

★    Simon PLC

★    Stark Reagan, P.C.

★    Steven A. Drakos Attorney at Law

★    Straker Bar Association

★    The Lex Law Firm

★    Transistions Legal

★    Trott & Trott

★    Wolfson Bolton PLLC

★    Wolverine Bar Association

★    Women’s Bar Association


★    Academy of Arts and Sciences, Ohio

★    ACE Academy, Michigan

★    Ahwatukee Foothills Prep (High School), Arizona

★    American Council of Trustees and Alumni

★    Arts and Sciences Preparatory Academy, Ohio

★    Arts and Technology Academy of Pontiac, Michigan

★    Banning Lewis Ranch Academy, Colorado

★    Bay County Public School Academy, Michigan

★    Becker Elementary, Michigan

★    Berkshire Middle School, Michigan

★    Beverly Hills Elementary School, Michigan

★    Bingham Arts Academy, Michigan

★    Bingham Farms Elementary School, Michigan

★    Birmingham Covington School, Michigan

★    Birney Prepatory Academy, Pennsylvania

★    Big Rapids High School, Michigan

★    Black Law School Students Association Cooley Law School, Michigan

★    Bloomfield Hills School District, Michigan

★    Brighton High School, Michigan

★    Bryant Middle School, Michigan

★    Brother Rice High School, Michigan

★    Central Michigan University Young Republicans

★    Cesar Chavez Academy (Middle School & High School)

★    Cesar Chavez High School, Grand Rapids, MI

★    Cleveland Arts and Social Sciences Academy, Ohio

★    Columbus Arts and Technology Academy, Ohio

★    Columbus Humanities, Arts and Technology Academy, Ohio

★    Columbus Prepatory Academy, Ohio

★    Cooley Law School – Auburn Hills, Michigan

★    Cooley Law School – Ann Arbor, Michigan

★    Cooley Law School – Lansing, Michigan

★    Cornerstone Academy, Ohio

★    Cornestone Schools Middle School, Michigan

★    Cornerstone Schools Primary School, Michigan

★    Cornerstone Schools Leadership & Business High School, Michigan

★    Cranbrook Schools, Michigan

★    Dayton STEAM Academy, Ohio

★    Dearborn High School, Michigan

★    Dearborn Magnet High School, Michigan

★    Dekaib Prep Academy, Georgia

★    Derby Middle School, Michigan

★    Detroit Country Day Elementary School, Michigan

★    Detroit Country Day Middle School, Michigan

★    Detroit Country Day High School, Michigan

★    Duvall Elementary, Michigan

★    Edgewood Elementary School, Michigan

★    Edsel Ford High School, Michigan

★    Fordson High School, Michigan

★    Foundation Academy of Mansfield, Ohio

★    Frazier Prepatory Academy, Illinois

★    Geer Elementary, Michigan

★    Grand Valley State University Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies, Michigan

★    Great Plains Academy, powered by Mosaica Online, Colorado

★    Greenfield Elementary School, Michigan

★    Groves High School, Michigan

★    Hawkins Elementary, Michigan

★    Haviland Elementary, Michigan

★    Haigh Elementary, Michigan

★    Henry Ford Early College, Michigan

★    Henry Ford Collegiate Academy, Michigan

★    Henry Ford Elementary, Michigan

★    Hilton Elementary, Michigan

★    Holy Family Regional School, Michigan

★    Howard Elementary, Michigan

★    Huron Valley Schools, Michigan

★    Howell High School, Michigan

★    Lake Orion Schools, Michigan

★    Lakeland High School, Michigan

★    Lindberg Elementary, Michigan

★    Lincoln King Academy, Detroit Michigan

★    Long Elementary, Michigan

★    Lorain Preparatory Academy, Oho [3rd-8th]

★    Lowrey School, Michigan

★    Maltby Intermediate School, Michigan

★    Maples Elementary, Michigan

★    Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, Michigan

★    McCullough/Unis School, Michigan

★    McDonald Elementary, Michigan

★    Miller Elementary, Michigan

★    Mosaica Online Academy of Arizona

★    Mosaica Online Academy of Ohio

★    Mosaica Online Prepatory Academy (all States)

★    Mosaica Online Academy of Southern California

★    Mosaica Prepatory Academy of Chandler, Arizona

★    Muskegon Heights High School, Michigan

★    Muskegon Heights Middle School, Michigan

★    Nowin Elementary, Michigan

★    O. L. Smith Middle School, Michigan

★    Oakland Community College – Auburn Hills Campus, Michigan

★    Oakland Community College – Highland Lakes Campus, Michigan

★    Oakland Community College – Orchard Ridge Campus, Michigan

★    Oakland Community College – Royal Oak Campus, Michigan

★    Oakland Community College – Southfield Campus, Michigan

★    Oakland University, Michigan

★    Oakland University Greek Council, Michigan

★    Oakman Elementary, Michigan

★    Pembroke Elementary School, Michigan

★    Phoneix Advantage Charter School, Arizona

★    Pontiac High School, Michigan

★    Quarton Elementary School, Michigan

★    Scranton Middle School, Michigan

★    Shrine Schools

★    Space, Technology and Arts Academy, Colorado

★    Spencer Elementary, Michigan

★    River Oaks Elementary, Michigan

★    Riverbend Prepatory Academy, Arizona

★    T.R. Paul Academy of Arts and Knowledge, Colorado

★    Rochester Adams High School, Michigan

★    Rochester Community Schools, Michigan

★    Rochester High School, Michigan

★    Salina Elementary, Michigan

★    Salina Intermediate School, Michigan

★    Seaholm High School, Michigan

★    Shrine Catholic High School, Michigan

★    Shrine Elementary School, Michigan

★    Snow Elementary, Michigan

★    Start Academy of Toledo, Ohio

★    STEAM Academy of Akron, Ohio

★    STEAM Academy of Cincinnati, Ohio

★    STEAM Academy of Cobb, Georgia

★    STEAM Academy of Warren, Ohio

★    STEAM Academy of Warrensville Heights, Ohio

★    STEAM Academy of Youngstown, Ohio

★    Stout Middle School, Michigan

★    The Bridge Alternative High School, Michigan

★    The Henry Ford Academy, Michigan

★    The Roeper School, Michigan

★    University of Detroit Jesuit High School, Michigan

★    University of Michigan

★    University of Michigan Birmingham Area Alumni

★    University of Michigan Law School Federalist Society

★    Washington Parks Academy, Michigan

★    Wayne County Community College, Michigan

★    Wayne State Law School Federalist Society, Michigan

★    West Maple Elementary School, Michigan

★    Whitmore-Bolles Elementary, Michigan

★    William Ford Elementary, Michigan

★    Woodward Middle School, Michigan

★    Youngstown Academy of Excellence, Ohio

★    Various home schools