Get Involved
Help make a difference
Join the Grassroots Effort!
Patriot Week is a grassroots effort that started with a small group of dedicated volunteers with a vision to renew the spirit of America. Although a groundswell of support is rising, to expand the effort throughout the nation we need your involvement.
Our goal is to make Patriot Week a nationwide effort. Anyone can participate – the idea is build a nucleus of participants and expand the effort as vigorously as possible.
Scores of schools, community organizations, senior living centers, rotaries, law firms, government agencies, courts, and others are commemorating Patriot Week this year. Most participants are focused on their own members, employees, students, etc. Do your part today by working in your hometown and state to make Patriot Week happen where you live.
Patriot Week has been officially recognized across the nation, and is working to obtain even more Proclamations and Resolutions from various levels of governments (Governors, State Legislatures, County Executives, County Commissions, and Municipalities). If you are (or have connections to) an officeholder at any level of government, please let us know! Also, some Governors require an in-state resident apply to obtain resolutions. If you are a resident outside of the State of Michigan and willing to help, please let us know. (The Patriot Week Foundation will do all the work on your behalf).
If you are interested in helping, please contact:
David Hansm
a – Director of Government Relations